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Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @6:03 PM

Bathing in the glory?
We won the whole tournament, coming in first and forth in the placing- Raven 1st, XINMIN SEC 2nd, SHUQUN SEC 3rd and Kingbird 4th.
We played against SHUQUN SEC today for the 3rd and 4th placing but lost to them in both sets, 2-0.
During the first set we were very far apart from SHUQUN SEC but during the second set we pulled quite close to beating them but didn't due to some of our own mistakes. I certainly feel that I have done my best today, giving the team moral support and now I don't mind if nobody hears me shout because if I know I myself had shout, that's good enough...But I didn't feel that we gave SHUQUN SEC a fight worthwhile.
And like I said, due to some of our own should not have been done kind of mistakes...

Anyway, both teams got trophies and medals, gleaming gold and bronze and a well-deserved rest tommorrow, on Thursday.
Well, we would be going to PIZZA HUT on Friday for the treated lunch from Ms Teo to sort of celebrate our victory by stuffing ourselves with flat bread and with various toppings that go with it.

it's all over, resting

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @6:24 PM

One small step for lionel, a giant leap for mankind
Another post today, our team put up an excellent fight with XINMIN SEC today during the TOP4. Although we lost the first set to the giants, we chionged like mad ahhh ( second singlish attempt ) during the second set. The whole team was in high spirits..cheering and encouraging one another. We played until 30-28..lost..Can you believe it?
WE, against those h*ck of a giants, catched up until this state... shiok ahh ( third singlish attempt ). But in actual fact, our team was much, much shorter than any of them but we catched up by so much...simply amazing.
Although we lost, each of us were very contented with how we played during that match, gave our all, lost with honour, whatever that means.
I on the other hand was amazed at how well I myself played... feeling very satisfied with myself, and definitely with all my teammates.
( and I belonged to one of two teams; Kingbird and Raven )
By the way, SHUQUN SEC played with Raven today..we won..2-0.
So that means that Raven would be going to the first and second placing while Kingbird would be going to the third and forth placing. That's good enough for me...

Anyway, SHUQUN SEC will wish they had never played with us.
Facing them tommorow, while the other team is up against XINMIN SEC.sure win case.

our win is already pre-destined, bye

Monday, November 27, 2006 @7:27 PM

Win some, lose some
Well, played against HONG KAH PRI on that faithful saturday, we lost. 2-1. I didn't think that we gave our best during that game ( from my point of view ) , but instead we lost.. due to the miserable and shouldn't have been done kind of mistakes. So because of the lost of the match against HONG KAH PRI, we were not secured the entrance into the the TOP4 and this is where the SUDDEN DEATH match comes in...

This is something to be glad about... We beaten CATHOLIC HIGH SCH today.2-0. Therefore gainimg a seat in the TOP4 placing. But I think that we won because the people on the other side were nervous and you could say.. scared of us.

Another thing, maybe and just maybe, the other teams that we played against were feeling something like this and so that's why I think the opposing teams could play much, much better without the fear.
But I also think that the opposing teams had no VALID reason for them to fear us... To me, we are not as good as they picture us to be.
It's just PLAIN EMPTY fear...

Anyway, we would be giving our best to XINMIN SEC in the SUDDEN DEATH match tommorrow.

chiong ahh!! ( first singlish attempt )

Friday, November 24, 2006 @5:59 PM

Bring It On
Beaten HAI SING CATHOLIC SCH today, expected them to be very good and I think that this was what made us beat them : Thinking that your opponents are at their best.
Our coach wanted us to rest today so we trained until 4pm today as she thinks that we always try our very best to play each of our games.
A well deserved rest...

Anyway, tomorrow's game is against the so called feared HONG KAH PRI.

that's it, bye

Thursday, November 23, 2006 @6:34 PM

Near Death Experience
hey people, won the match against DUNMAN SEC today, 2-1. I didn't think we gave them a good fight...lost the second round to them, 26-24. Although we trashed them the first round.
Ain't the world a sad place to be in..?
But we got back to winning the game in the third round. Its quite ironic that when we shout and encourage one another at the top of our lungs and no one would even take notice, and they would say they didn't hear us shout...
I could even hear my voice in the video recording in the video cam in the background..
Crystal clear..
But what seemed our best outside spiker became nervous and upset that he could not spike properly. It wasn't a big deal if one became nervous, but he took it hard...
But I feel like my skills needs improvement but Ms Teo commented the rest of the outside spikers except me and I myself don't know what I should do to improve...
Is this really the best I could be? Feel so left out.

But I felt that I myself had rallied the team into winning and thats good enough and this was one of the games that I had utmost confidence in myself and it felt GREAT!

By the way, tomorrow's game is against HAI SING CATHOLIC SCH.

wanting to win,

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 @6:56 PM

Huh? I mean Frozen.
hey, today's the first match in the 2nd round of the tournament and there are the Good news and the Retarded news...
Good news: Both our teams got into the second round.
Retarded news: We face each other in the first match.
Anyway, ain't much of a big deal but lost myself while playing against them...Didn't expect myself to be so nervous while playing against a team which we play against everyday during training...It was completely different, guess it was the atmosphere.

By the way, got a match tommorow...against DUNMAN SEC.

Got a feeling we would win, logging off

Monday, November 20, 2006 @7:24 PM

I'm losing it !
Crap ...didn't eat lunch, cause I needed to rush home to get my shoebag cause someone told me that today had no training and that person had like authority...
What makes it more Crap... is that we trained until like so late and i just came back,7.20pm.
While training, I felt really weak, but unable to do anything about it, I carried on. Aww...never tried back court spiking in a match before and all this has to do with the setter.
Starting to lose it...not good...must eat...must sleep.Trying to keep my eyes open.

disappointing day, always

Saturday, November 18, 2006 @7:07 PM

Quote Of The Day #7
You may recover from a slip of the foot...
but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.


Friday, November 17, 2006 @7:26 PM

The Beaten Got Scolded At
We won BUKIT PANJANG GOVT.HIGH yesterday, 2-0. ( Best of 3 ) Anyway,when we were playing our peaceful game, that d*mb BP coach just kept ranting at his players all the f*eaking way!!
feeling kinda sick of it...
Just know that BUKIT PANJANG would play much better without their coach yelling at them.
We COULD have LOST to those giants, but we didn't, so what the h*ck, nobody really bothers...
Got a game on Sunday with CLEMENTI TOWN SEC, anyway, same thing...

alright, bye

Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @5:31 PM

Quote of the Day #6
Freedom is not worth having...
if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

wait,where's the toilet paper?!!

@5:08 PM

Don't want another day
hey people,
didn't really felt like blogging today but got nothing else to do. Got back early from training today cause tommorow,the match with
BUKIT PANJANG GOVT.HIGH begins...Early like by 1 and a half hour.
not able to spike properly tommorow. like what happened today, so called like revision training..
Was unable to snap wrist fast enough for that stupid ball to spin. Friends asking me how they should improve on their spiking and observe them while they spike...sian...I know that I myself would try my best to help them to improve but HOW ON MOTHER EARTH would I be able to concentrate on them while I can't even focus on my own skill..

They won't know this for sure... every man for himself.
Always had and would hate that saying....

this is definitely not my day

Friday, November 10, 2006 @6:17 PM

Quote Of The Day #5
The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents...
and the second half by our children.


Thursday, November 09, 2006 @7:03 PM

Next please...
Another day has gone by ever so quickly and my game today with Jin Tai Pri is over.
We were expected to win... [Like DUHH!!]
Quite impressed with their impressive moves in the impressive game that we had together of impressive volleyball..Impressively impressed
But anyway we got another match next Thurs with BUKIT PANJANG GOVT. HIGH.
Tall so what?!! hahaz

training hard,

@6:53 PM

Quote Of The Day #4
Everybody lies...
but it doesn't really matter because nobody listens.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006 @9:53 PM

Quote Of The Day #3
Faith furnishes prayer with wings...
without which it cannot soar to Heaven.

no more,gtg now

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @9:22 PM

What Happened...
Our first match against Chung Cheng High is over and our next match is against Jin Tai Pri on Thurs.Anyway, didn't expect to see an old friend on CCH's volleyball team that used to be in the same class as me in SHPS...
...haha...nice to see him
Like when I entered the sports hall and wanted to walk to the area where our team is, I noticed Brian waving at me. At first I didn't notice,then when i looked back again, there he was, waving at me in his CCH jersey.He rocked in terms of skill and sprotsmanship,glad to see him and Brian, if you are reading this post, I was glad to play with your team and i hope we would play each other again.
BTW,Jin Tai Pri,I hope you you would call the ambulances on that day of the going-to-be-tragic-accident.

That's all,

@9:16 PM

Quote Of The Day #2
Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself...
and know that everything in life has a purpose.


Monday, November 06, 2006 @6:48 PM

Here Comes the Sweat...
The VAS tournament for the Under 13 catergory is just beginning tommorrow and my team is up against Chung Cheng High while the other team is up against Fairfield Methodist. Most likely, both schools' coach would already have ambulances on standby outside Hougang Sports Hall.
Actually, the title "Here Comes the Sweat" implies to the poor people who would be facing us in the tournament (May the Lord have mercy on their SOUL).
You may think that this is overconfidence, the actual fact is that you're underconfident...so just shut up and the bloody world would be a better place.

I gtg now and sleep early for the massacre tommorrow,cya

@6:43 PM

Quote of the Day #1
Never ever lie...
just make a minor detour around the truth.


Friday, November 03, 2006 @7:23 PM

Picking noses..
is what i would talking about in this post. I know that it may sound and look disgusting to some but I'll tell you all this...
Everybody picks noses (i hope they pick only their own) and i don't know why people feel disgusted.
There are several classification of nose pickers in the society.(hope this is all...)
* irritated pickers- people who just feel that they have something in thier big,fat nose that they just want to DIG out and experience a sense of relief.
* recreational pickers- people who regard DIGGING big,fat noses as an excercise or a leisure activity.
* serial pickers- this is serious, people. They pick noses not because they want to get something out or as an excercise, but because they enjoy the feeling and experience when their fingers or fingernails are in thier big,fat nose.Some people even like the TASTE of it!!!( Believe ME, its as real as the lousy grades on your report card..)
* moderate pickers- people who find that they have something in their noses but prefer to blow it out with a tissue paper in both hands. Sensible indeed..

i aint got time now but i will continue and complete on this post and update it as i DON'T HAVE THE TIME now and i hope that you'll continue reading even after i have completed it and see the changes..

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @6:58 PM

Four new faces have joined our team..
just 12 this year and in pri 6,finished PSLE,nothing to do,so paid us a friendly visit.They're from Park View Primary,going to SHSS through DSA.But i actually saw them yesterday but didnt have time to write a post bout it. But wow, when i first came in to SHSS, i was VERY much shorter than THEM!! A pity...
we have the VAS U13 tournament starting on the 6th of November, & their joinng us and also they get to wear the same jersey as us just by spending 2 days after the release of sch at 1+.
But they really are nt doing anything, Our coach just wants them to spectate our matches so that the "DSA" people would actually have some "experience"!!

Anyway their not bad


Astrological Sign:Capricorn
My Passion:Volleyball, Music, Gaming, God Christian~Redeemed

~SONG PLAYING~must hear

~ADORES~must know

Favourite Anime:Naruto, Bleach, Shaman King
Favourite Drama:Prison Break, CSI, Supernatural
Favourite Comedy:Malcolm In The Middle, The Simpsons, My Name Is Earl
Favourite Game(PC):Dawn Of War:Dark Crusade
Favourite Drink:Coke Lime 6.Favourite Website:lionel-rocks-your-world.blogspot.com 7.
Favourite Artiste:Yellowcard

~MY FRIENDS~love'em

.~Ng MingYi~
~Galina Wong~
~Zenon Tan~
~Lim ShuYi~
~Tricia Tan~
~Joey Wong~
~Jonathan Teo~
~Vanessa Lim~
~Chia XinWei~
~Nowelle Tan~
~Joseph Tan~
~Gracilia Wong~
~Tesselyn Lui~
~Erwin Quek~
~Daniel Teo~
~Darren Lim~
~Sara Pua~
~Tan JunYuan~
~Woo MeiShan~
~Daron Ang~
~Josephine Seah~
~Elizabeth Soon~
~Kooh Yonglin~
~Bernard Seet~

~SPEAK UP!~you gotta

~ARCHIVES~you see

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007

~LINKS~for fun


Thanks For Visiting ;P