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Wednesday, January 31, 2007 @7:09 PM

Saving Me
This novel post is going to be the culmination that portends the end of January, hopefully a noteworthy and decorous tribute to the month renowned for being called "January". The most primitive of months in the year is already going to put up the shutters, calling it quits. And the salutation of February would, to the highest degree, be embraced, leaving lots of people with gifts sitting around the bitter and nauseating cake.

Well, when we were acquainted with the information to come back to school on the third day in the integral year of 2007, I really was not bored rigid at all, instead, it was just another day of training or rather practice and to add to the demise, it was complemented with colossal and hulking pages of paper compacted in to a stack, also known as textbooks.

This was also the period that we could discern who was going to subsist as the secondary one batch this year. Some of the subsidiary subordinates, young and reckless as they are, were singing their own praises, showing-off what they do not have dominance over, austerely injudicious.

We vied with PASIR RIS SEC today, leaving with the score 25-something and 25-7 emblazoned on the feeble scoreboard, being subjected to victory at the end of the day. I would endeavour my most preeminent of effort and be unrivaled at the multifarious sport. We are against HAI SING CATHOLIC SCH tommorow during the hours of daylight, attempting to use their stature against them, somehow.

Actually, disparate my other posts, I had a particular rationale on why I had posted them. But quaint as it is, this post had no subject and I was merely shooting transitory subjects. Learn how to comprehend and recognize the value of my posts as the writer would not dwell as short as you may think...

why did I post this, anyway just enjoy the songs, bye

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 @6:30 PM

So Far Away
What seemed so flanking, has become dreadfully distant, drifting further and further away from me. Spectating them at the side under intense scrutiny, how I wished I could join them in trouncing the forlorn opponents, shooting them down. Well, there are a whole lot of things in this world that people want to have but it's so far away that it will not seem viable, virtually impossible, drowning their spirits in the mendacity and the scandals of our worst adversary in our lives, our LIFE. Each and every one of us in the society view life in different perspectives, customarily based on that particular "good" or "bad" day, and this makes our opinions inapplicable.

Although, I feel exceedingly proud of myself being in the main twelve, but I got the impression that I got into that position by sheer chance and luck. I most certainly think that I could be much better at the sport, if I had not progressed on the trip to somewhere, ditching practice, then this would all be easier. But it would look as if I 'm finding an excuse why I suddenly faired so devastatingly in the sport when I came back from the getaway to somewhere. Maybe its all in the head ( like I said before ), but either way, all would be lost at the end of the day as nothing that I do could revolutionize the outcome of this situation.

Carrying on with what progressed today, we were arranged to deal with CHUENG CHENG HIGH, and we won, trying to show the least of arrogance. Some did, of course, but I feel no glory, no euphoria, because I did not really contribute to their inevitable sucess, besides uplifting and cheering them on at the side. I really wanted to feel the intense ecstasy and the sweat again when we would win, like in the VAS-UNDER 13 tournament, when we were still in two secluded teams, and I feel as if I had played much better at that point of time. Well, say no more... feeling worse by the minute...

We are orchestrated to face PASIR RIS SEC tommorrow, we should more or less be in our top-form, obliterating any form of antagonists, really have our hopes on winning this next match.

Some dreams are like bubbles, when we try to reach out for them, they burst at the most salient time, leaving us with soapy hands to wash...

all thought by me, no doubts, believe

Monday, January 29, 2007 @6:36 PM

Just Stay With Me Now
Just stay with me now...
until WE send your sorry bottoms back to where it came from. I absconded class early and skipped a few more after that, leaving at 10.45am, that was most perceptibly anticipated. I really have an aversion to leaving class early and missing lessons because when we come back, almost everything that is being projected out of the teacher's mouth is foreign and outlandish. But I don't mind abiding that for a week or so if it means that we could compete in the EAST ZONE tournament...

We competed against GEYLANG METHODIST SEC today and we triumph over them, 25-7, 25-4. I estimated that they would be more unfaltering, not implying that they are not. Well, I managed to be subsituted in the second set, but not for long, only during the last four points, after ZhiHao had served. Atypically, I didn't even made contact with the ball and after eight whistles, the referee concluded the match with some hand indications and a few blows from his whistle, malodorous with the odour of saliva.

After that match, we continued on spectating the many matches to ensue, and one of them was CHUENG CHENG HIGH, the team that Brian was on, and the invariable team that we would be facing tommorow. I could really tell that he improved a lot, comparing him to his ambiguous teammates that didn't seem much of a adversity, not being offensive or anything. If only he could join our team, it would be the team to beat. But really, his coach and the training regime that they undergo is not really effective but he was still able to fabricate the pleasant outcome of his gift in the sport. I hope to put up a fair and virtous fight against them, being superlative sportsmen...

Just want to voice out too, that our blogs are our unspoken voices, and although it becomes public property on the net, I emphasize fervently that everything in each and every one of our blogs should not be copied or replicated elsewhere, especially in other's blogs. one example, is the way we write and our style of writing, the sign-offs and what topic we post about ( especially like this ). If we were to "extract" information from one blog to yours ( for instance ), the person getting his or her copied would feel appalling, and the person copying is not being original. And originality are what blogs are all about...

hope people view it from a positive perspective, bye

Friday, January 26, 2007 @7:08 PM

There Is No Title To This Post...to cut it short, Untitled
This would be the last post before I reach into EAST ZONE OVERDRIVE, the epoch where we will face antagonism between several schools in a small court, measuring 9 metres by 9 metres. The EAST ZONE tournament would commence next week, on a Monday 12.30pm, at TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC, an ephemeral walk from our school. In view of the fact that our match would begin at 12.30pm, we have to reach there 1 hour earlier, which insinuates that we have to leave class at around 10.45am. To a minority of my teammates, they pushed the boat out when they were made aware of this "good news". I was not really fond of the fact that we had to skip class to go for a match, I mean, its two weeks off classes. But I irrevocably came up with a resolution on how I should and would do to make sure I have the homework and the notes in my hand at the end of each day. Well, managed to get that off my chest...

What transpired yesterday on Thursday... was that it rained during P.E and so, requested by Mr Kwok, we amused ourselves with a game of so called "floorball", where there was a whole lot people squashing and killing cockroaches. Actually, its just one cockroach, in a shape of a white, plastice ball with regular holes encircling it, also known as a floorball. The phenomenon took initiated at an inadequate and meagre small porch, which was relatively small for a 6 on 6 floorball match. Totally cramped my style...

About today, was rapturous and thrilled when SengWhye came to me with an ASICS cardboard shoebox, saying that their order for new shoes had arrived. He opened the compacted box most jubilantly, hiding no grin behind his orthodoxical face. What revealed itself was the ASICS GEL-ROCKET, the pair of shoes that my father was going to get me. I did actually object that pair of shoes from my father, maybe because I didn't want be conspicuous and stand out from my fellow teammates, but that fleeting look of what's inside the shoebox really mitigated the tension that I was experiencing. Felt a LOT better after that...

The opening match of the EAST ZONE tournament is coming closer, and we are up against GEYLANG METHODIST SEC for the second time, the first face-off at the VAS-UNDER 13 tournament. I always believed in overestimating your opponent, although some times it may not really be a good thing...

mood swings prohibited by law, fine $... you kidding me?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007 @7:20 PM

I Won't Worry My Life Away
The one thing that we obnoxious people should not do in our lives is WORRY. If we would just solicit ourselves about what benefit does it have for us to agonize, we probably would not construe to an appropriate retort too. As most wise and old people say, we only have ONE chance to live our piteous and poignant lives, so might as well not look back at the past and just appreciate what we have now, and as most people say, take nothing for granted.
Gather Your Courage. Run. Leave No Room For Regrets.

I used to take for granted the people and possesions around me, not sparing contemplation for them. But a lot has materialize during the bygones of purile years, and it has changed me or I should say, encouraged me to change most certainly for the better. We should just give our all, not abandoning the most slight of effort, and advocate ourselves to performing or being the best that we could ever be. Worrying would only hinder us and if we did, our progress thus far would all be insignificant, most unsatisfactory of all, it would make us even more worried.

This feels most discomfited, pending from a person who worries most of his time. But a few more words of wisdom for the people, is that what worries us the most is seemingly the most tranquil of problems to solve. Worrying would not do us ANY good too, and to put it in a nutshell, amiable is what we all should be and not worry our life away.

Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Not only will it cost you a couple of years off your lifetime, it would all be for NOTHING...

a rather short post and the song's a personal favourite, bye

Thursday, January 18, 2007 @8:26 PM

Who I am Hates Who I've Been
Summarising all the most mundane of events today, I can't find a apposite reason why people should visit this blog or this post for that reason. Anyway, just want to post that we had an assignment a few days ago where we were divided into rather diminutive groups where each obtuse member had to write a Text-Type Scaffold of the genre Science-Fiction. I'll just skip the extras, my friend's and my scaffold got chosen for the whole class, and this meant that they had to choose either one to follow for the composition that they going to write. Well, I actually didn't want my scaffold to be chosen as it seemed that I was the only one who really understands the storyline and all the characters. But then again, it got chosen for whatever invalid reason.

Anyway, I am always open to the maturity of what growing up or has to offer. Not realising how self-indulgent I was during the past few years of primary school, I had been prejudiced against some of the most praiseworthy of friends. Few years ago, that is. I am really starting to think about how I should have and should not have done during the past few years ( Sound familiar? ).
To encapsulate everything, I WAS a jerk. Just came to a conclusion, that I must make a personal apology for those who hanged in there for me, a long time ago, and now I have found even more friends like them, compassionate and trustworthy, really great friends.

And now, growing up into a pre-adult stage, things are starting to come clear to me. Being more cognisant and sensitive, I have been able to see perfection in other people, my friends. But even if I see imperfection, I would give my all to help each and every one of them, knowing that they would lend me their most unwavering of hands, to lift me up, back onto my feet, carrying me on their shoulders, resembling GOD in a way. I would never pray for better friends as these people are the ones that are already the paramount of friends one could ever get - the best.

This is dedicated to the people who want to know about how much I detest who I have been. This song had been in my blog too, just to let people know, you know. Loving it...

this's one for MingYi too, going out for dinner

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 @8:06 PM

My Nose...On A Marathon
I just noticed that during ALL my years of schooling, be it secondary or primary school life, I have been ALLERGIC to Mathematical Test, whether it was a major or minor one. Everytime a Math test would pop up on a day, I would start having a really serious running nose that could even beat China's Liu Xiang's best 500m track record. Guess what, I had a Math Test today. ( Surprise ) I personally thought that the running would end after school, right before training would start, well, I have to say, I was bloody wrong. Instead it reached its peak during training...

During the last one and a half hours of training, we were supposed to go up to the hall and play a few matches with the B Girls. To be really exact, that would be five sets in total. When the team that I was in was finally going to play aginst them, I realised that I have a new and upcoming opponent against me, and it was stuck and protruding at the centre of my face - my nose. And it attacked me with a transparent liquid and it was trying to free itself from my nose and I had to use my breath-in-hard and release techniques. I know that would not do any good but I had no choice either. Well, I tryed to ignore it and I think that I somehow did manage to pull through this.

Anyway, after that, when I was approached by my really great friends, they asked whether I was going to buy Bubble Tea. And so I replied with a nod and a smile. Well, when we exited the boundaries of the school, Ms Teo, our coach, was exiting with us and went in the same direction as where the Bubble Tea store was but she was going to the nearby foodcourt to take-away something which seemed to be food that which it could be eaten..interesting. Then, when I had almost finished buying Bubble Tea, Ms Teo came along and exposed us. The funny part was that she saw me holding a cup of ice-cold Bubble Tea in my right-hand with a straw pierced in the center of the stretched plastic cover and asked me why I was still drinking Bubble Tea when I had a cold. Actually, it was not funny at all but I didn't know what word to replace it with... At that moment, I was like literally mute, nothing could come out of my mouth, not even a word for that instance.

But really, I did not notice the cold that I was having while I was drinking Bubble Tea, guessed I was too engrossed on slurping what's inside the cup. Anyway, Ms Teo left and I was about to do that same thing too with some of my friends. What happended next was that I prayed instantly when I got unto an SBS BUS that my recurring sneezing would come to a halt. And it did, and I was feeling kind of relieved after that.

And I actually think that it was the on-off rainfall during the past few days that caused my cold. But at the same time it would seem pointless to blame the climate. Have not been eating fruits for the past few days too, no time as I got quite a lot of work to be done, for instance the recent tuition work and some other things that maybe didn't even exist.

Anyway, would still come up with some more posts to keep people occupied. But for now, I'll stop here. Thank you for reading this.

my heart is flooded, flooded with tears, bye

Monday, January 15, 2007 @7:22 PM

I Don't Wanna Be Anything Other Than Me
The BIG question here is...well, why do people have to follow trends if it just makes them feel uncomfortable? If one does feel that way and still persists like a brainless nutcase, than carry on, nobody could and would stop a brainless nutcase, if it ever pops up, that is.

First issue and most importantly the last, why on earth people fold their socks and make it seem like their wearing ankle socks? Found the solution, just wear bloody ankle socks and not wear socks of normal length and fold it. I mean if you fold it, wouldn't the folded part hurt your deformed toes or something. Or another outcome is that there will be ventilation at the ankles or should I say a really big hole. Anyway, I think I should stop now although I really have a lot of things to say about this issue but I too do not want the FOLD YOUR SOCKS INTO ANKLE LENGTH GANG to come after the poor and helpless me. Alright..I was just...jo....serious.

I think that the way people think is very complicated until it seems so simple. To summarise it all, people follow trends so as to blend in, or camouflage in the society that they are living in. And so to make this clear, I am not discriminating anyone or everyone in that case here. I am just writing my thoughts and my opinions, nothing else. And I am not out to point fingers or insult or criticise anyone, to get it straight.
Got that, mor*n? ( Joke. Funny. Laugh. Great, I see that you are not laughing but instead calling this lame )

Back to the topic, if people were ever to follow trends and look like each other, on one could ever distinguish you from other people. I know that people think that doing something trendy will make them stand out. That is just plain idiocracy, just to let people know. Whats makes you stand out of a vast crowd of people doing the same, dull and monotonous thing? Common sense alone could and would be able to explain that to you.

Also, when people do see you, there will sometimes not see whats inside of you but a participant of a large crowd following trends in the society. As people know, trends come and go like the wind from peoples' bottom. And its not very pretty. But bottom line, just follow whatever your heart, or rather your brain, thinks that is totally YOU and just pursue it. You can apply whatever I have said in this post to your saddening life and I hope I could be of positive help. Wait, isn't help always positive? So that would be like crossing each other out...


people will love you just the way you are, acting not required

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 @6:39 PM

Tied to the ground. Hands, feet, Everything
Took a step, fell, and never to rise again.
Been feeling very down but not negative yet during the past few days of bloody school. Maybe its psychological or in the mind or something but I seriously have no fre*king idea. This is what makes me so afraid, afraid to do anything.

Even Ms Teo said something about me having a mental block and saying that there is no such a thing call "recovering" your skills or anything and I definetely believe and trust what she is saying. The main reason being because I think that she is wise and of course she's an elder to me and so I guess she has A LOT of experience with this sort of thing.
With experience, comes wisdom. Hopefully...

But even with Ms Teo saying it, I honestly have a pinch of doubt in my "skills" ( whatever you people call them ) and whatsoever. Its was like when a vile hurricane came and swept virtually anything in its path away and never left. But when it did, I was just lying there, asking GOD for guidance...

This unresolved issue has been going for like very long and I hope that I myself could come to a conclusion and be a better friend, a better student, a better son and of course a better sportsman.GOD, I believe that your light will shine most heavenly when all else fades... Waiting on you, GOD...

GOD, in need of your help and guidance,

Friday, January 05, 2007 @6:34 PM

What's under my nose I couldn't see, full of regret...
and thank you my friends for EVERYTHING
Looking back at the things that I have done, I actually take back what I had said during a post which was two posts behind and found out that I really did write EVERYTHING in there on stupid impulse. Why that hurting my great friends' feelings after they read that post didn't cross my mind. How insensitive could I be? I can't believe I would ever do such a thing. Its definitely not my style and I'm absolutely in regret my friends and I would definitely take back any amount of stupid things that I said.

I have you people now, what have I got to worry about?

Yesterday, I really didn't say anything about my birthday nor tell it to someone that it was my birthday during class and outside of class. But what really surprised my positively was that a really great friend of mine, Mingyi came to and asked me what date was it and so I replied with a simple "4th January". But that didn't quite went through so a confession was what I had to make that was about having my birthday on that day and not telling anyone. I am truly glad that I have Mingyi as a friend and his presence was truly my present and the same goes to all of my great friends :D

I was really glad that he didn't even ask me nor did I tell him but later I knew that someone had reminded him and I knew instantly too that that someone might be a great friend too. haha :D. Then the news I think spreaded like a small wildfire and soon everybody was wishing me on that day asking me what do I like and those kind of things. What has really caused myself to start thinking things over like what I have done, should have done and should not have done kind of things happened on the day which I have posted this blog, today.

Today, I was greeted by a really great friend of mine, Darren, and he sincerely gave me a present saying that it was nothing and about my belated birthtday. I know I am like sitting here posting this but I have got to say, "Are you kidding me?", that was really thoughtful of a really great friend and even when he said that it was small, it also meant that no matter how minute a gift might look, it would still make a great difference to me. After school, a couple of my really great friends, Haijing and Evan, also presented me with presents for my birthday, insisting that I keep them. I would thank all of them over a thousand times if I could and if they would allow me doing that.

What happened today has really touched me inside and I am truly and eternally grateful to my friends and what they have done for me, and I would definitely stand up to them in the darkest of storms and in the most violent of seas no matter what. Not being a fair-weathered friend and definitely not giving up on you people, like what u have done for me...
And of course, the people that I would like to thank them "personally" for making this blog possible.
MINGYI, DARREN, HAIJING, EVAN, ABEL, TERENCE, JORDAN, BENJAMIN, CHRIS, ZHIHAO, CLEMENT, ALFRED, SENGWHYE, JUNYUAN, CHENGXIANG, ARJUN, MEISHAN, BERNARD and of course JONATHAN, who isn't with us at the moment but still a really great friend of mine. Once a friend, always will be...

thank you for EVERYTHING, eternally grateful

Thursday, January 04, 2007 @7:01 PM

Haha, yar its my birthday today. Which is on the same day as my aunt and we have celebrated every one of our birthdays together and we would never miss a celebration but I think today was an exception. Anyway, I have some of the most coolest of friends that are around me wishing me so that's even cooler than having countless presents sittting on the coffee table next to a bitter cake.


dreaming of a sunshine, somewhere

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 @6:59 PM

Standing there, waiting for you to come home
Well, it was quite a while since I updated this good-for-nothing-piece-of-junk blog. Just want to voice out that I'm just waiting for my old and other self to come home...
If I were to ask someone who has been a close friend to me since primary days if I had changed any one bit since then, a nod is what I would fre*king get.
I certainly feel that I, from a energetic, lively, talkative and somewhat humorous person, have changed into a dead and decomposing idiot. If I were to ask someone who just knew me in secondary school, that person would definitely contradict with what I had just said and would reply with a " humorous peron? you? c'mon, maybe you could try and make my toes laugh first! ", kind of reply.
I have made very close and trustworthy friends in my primary school and I think this was one of the reasons why I was able to open up to them, making them laugh and making them laugh again, and again. But thus far, some of the people I have met in this secondary school are no where near them them and I think this has caused me to sort of close up, shielding myself from what seemed the outside world of secondary school life. I guess that I'm just not comfortable with them around yet. But not speaking up most of the time I think, has bloody caused my humor and talkative meter to hit rock bottom and with friends that I'm not really keen on wanting to know more about them, I've just managed to touch the core...
There are maybe one or two people that I have met who just doubt me in everything I bloody do. And this su*ks, big time. Well, some of my close friends that I have made in primary school have changed too, and I hope for the better. But in my case, I really hope all is not lost and I would really find just one good friend who can turn the tables around for the better and show me there is not just only the downside on this...

Getting it off my chest
Anyway, just came back for my trip to HONG KONG which was a tour from CHAN BROTHERS, a tour agent company. There were like a total of 17 people who came from SINGAPORE to enjoy their well-planned holiday in HONG KONG. I met really fun people in the tour and I guess I quite did open up to them, and it really brought back good memories from somewhere. There I met Rainer, a friend of the same age from GREENVALE SECONDARY and it was really, really fun getting to know him. And we would crack any d*mn joke that we would think of... But really, most of them in the tour group were made up of people in their 17s and 18s and it was really fun talking to people that are slightly more mature than the people that I always exchange verbal remarks with in school.
There were altogether 5 families in the tour including mine, made up of a boy who experiences solitude all the bloody time. There were three families of three and two families of four in the whole tour.
There was a family that was made up of what seemed three sisters which had one of them who didn't look like the others and a mother. Both were aged 17 except for the one who was 18. But I later found out that one of them who was 17 was not a sister, but a neighbour studying at the same place and year as the other two, who looked very different from the other two. She looked and behaved really cute by the way, REALLY cute. Not as in a childish cute, but in a like-matured-and-gentle-kind-of-cute cute. I found out that if one could just open one's mouth, the outcome of everything would change, and again I hope for the better. And I hope I would know more about her...

and that's what msn is for, bye


Astrological Sign:Capricorn
My Passion:Volleyball, Music, Gaming, God Christian~Redeemed

~SONG PLAYING~must hear

~ADORES~must know

Favourite Anime:Naruto, Bleach, Shaman King
Favourite Drama:Prison Break, CSI, Supernatural
Favourite Comedy:Malcolm In The Middle, The Simpsons, My Name Is Earl
Favourite Game(PC):Dawn Of War:Dark Crusade
Favourite Drink:Coke Lime 6.Favourite Website:lionel-rocks-your-world.blogspot.com 7.
Favourite Artiste:Yellowcard

~MY FRIENDS~love'em

.~Ng MingYi~
~Galina Wong~
~Zenon Tan~
~Lim ShuYi~
~Tricia Tan~
~Joey Wong~
~Jonathan Teo~
~Vanessa Lim~
~Chia XinWei~
~Nowelle Tan~
~Joseph Tan~
~Gracilia Wong~
~Tesselyn Lui~
~Erwin Quek~
~Daniel Teo~
~Darren Lim~
~Sara Pua~
~Tan JunYuan~
~Woo MeiShan~
~Daron Ang~
~Josephine Seah~
~Elizabeth Soon~
~Kooh Yonglin~
~Bernard Seet~

~SPEAK UP!~you gotta

~ARCHIVES~you see

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007

~LINKS~for fun


Thanks For Visiting ;P